Scandalous not-so-secrets


There is too much to say about me to even consider putting it down here. You can always leave a comment though, or an email adress... Promise to get back to you ;)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

On how things can bite

Some things, my mother told me early on in life, can bite. I am here to confirm the truth of those words.

I am, as many of you are, an internet addict. The legal definition I believe lies somewhere between using your computer non work related over 16 hours a week and prefering the computer to actual human contact. I am a firm believer that any computer I own should be used more hen 16 hours a day and well, the more people I know the more I love my computer okay? So I am an addict, you know what, I can live with that. Besides cigs I hardly have any vices really. I don't gamble (Lady Luck, though she loves me, leaves me when dice or chips are involved), I don't drink more then a glass of mead a month, I don't look for adrenalin highs, I don't do drugs and haven't even touched pot for the better part of a year. I am a veritable saint really. So I think I am allowed my one true love in life right, my smooth and shiny outdated piece of crap computer. Don't get me wrong. I love the thing, I am just a firm believer that sometimes love requires whips and pain and indeed is not really love without. But these last days I have stared at my computer without feeling at all. The internet is completely broke and no one understands the pain that causes me.

My roommate has internet at his work so conducts all affairs there, my friends tell me its the perfect opportunity to spend more time with them and my mother says I should get fresh air. Worst of all the helpdesk person whom I called near to tears as I went cold turkey said they'd call me back in 2 to 5 days if they hadn't fixed it by then. 2 to 5 days??? I don't have that kinda time man. I need this stuff! So now I have a little laptop working for me at my roommate's mothers flat. But it lacks the history me and my computer have. It's keys respond without the little TICK I am used to, its screen isn't on the right height, it doesn't have a mouse and it's even slower. I miss my old, good computer and proudly own up to my addiction but for the love of god, someone please fix it.

I would be more upset, but I actually got laid again last weekend. it had been a while....a long while...months. I am the kind of person that thrives of off sex and attention and well, I loathe missing it, yet have too much self esteem to shag someone I don't honestly fancy. So you wait and wait and your computer takes care of the needs much like a good bar of chocolate would have. And finally you get laid... And you remember why you missed it yet found life bearable without.

The sex was good, don't get me wrong. I just wasn't in love with the guy which means invariably that I don't want to have to listen to the guy afterwards. I like to cuddle, fall asleep, do it again something along those lines. I do not like having to discuss sex afterwards especially if all they manage to say, flattering though it may be, is Oh wow, that was awesome, you're a real nympho aren't you etc etc. I just moan something non committal and go back to whatever movie, videogame, dream I was involved in. Now Danny (as the guy was called) was all for talking, cuddling and turning off all other forms of distraction... I am sure many of you are waiting for just such a man but I am not. So I got annoyed at him, which resulted in more sex, which resulted in him wanting to cuddle more.... and him yammering on about whatever he thought was deep and meaningful. And through it all I longed for solitude and the loving embrace of the internet blanket supplied by my own sweet, dear computer.

I went to see Pirates 2 the other day, twice in all honesty. Nice. I do not believe I could ever get sick of watching Johnny Depp as a scoundrel. the man has an innate talent for being the lovable rogue. And this is after I watched the Libertine in which he manages to piss his pants and die f syphilis quite graphically. Anyone able to pull off sexy after that has my respect, and number should he desire it. It just struck me as odd that Orlando Bloom, token hottie though looking very much like an AIDS patient in his final month, fades to the background whenever dear Jack is in the picture. Like a daisy in front of a hurricane he fails to capture the attention and awe of anyone strolling past. Opinions differ on the movie and I won't spoil, but still, go see it. You do not want to be the only one not having seen it right? I am not trying to use peer pressure i am simply saying you'll look like an utter dumbass if you cannot talk about the big new movie with your colleagues, it's like not having read harry potter or seeing lord of the rings, love it or hate it, but form an opinion based on what you have seen or read yourself...don't just try to be different by stubbornly refusing to broaden your horizon. No one likes it.

More rant and a spelling check later after I get my own computer hooked up again, feel free to leave a comment.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Trolls and Flamers

Ever instantly disliked someone?Sometimes you walk into a room, a pool hall, a dinner party and you look upon the masses and instantly, within about .5 seconds I would say you single someone out and you hate them. Now back in the days this did not have to be a problem...the world was big enough and there was no reason at all at why you had to deal with them too much. You talk some trash, perhaps challenge to a dual and you're done. No more pain.

Now they tell me the world and indeed the universe is expanding all the time, we discover new lands and colonize more places; we spread out more and live life without the tiresome social obligations we used to have. If all of this is true, then I ask you, how come I run into the fuckwits more and more frequently?

This being my first public blog I have no experience with idiots here yet, though I expect there will be some before too long. However, as soon as I set foot on the digital highway some skunkgoring bitch tries to cut me off while reaching in the glove box for their handgun álá the famous Offspring song. Now I am not one for patience much anyway, and you all know I can't abide idiots, but honestly, am I asking that much? To live a life free of the oppressing weight of the soulless, brainless zombie masses of the world? But I have gotten used to it mostly, but ever so often will get under your skin again, this time it was a sad, sad man we'll call T2.

My surfing paterns as random as ever I was led around and eventually found myself looking at a Dutch site set-up by T2. Now T2 felt his phone company had not treated him nice. I felt an instant pang of sympathy, after all, global corporations are the devil and we all know it. Basically he took he a deal he already reckoned to be “…too good to be true…” now as soon as I see that line I figure, it probably is. T2 however guarded with the optimism one can only garner from not having any life experience decided it was the deal for him and quickly signed up. Worked fine for a couple of days no sweat… broke down and needed help. The mechanic had a tight schedule and was unable to come straight away and customer service was unable to help him though they tried via phone mail and a step by step guide including pictures. T2 at this point dropped in my regards as he instantly began whining and bitching about them obviously not wanting to help and how he send a letter then and there that they either fix it in 3 weeks or he’d be gone. Well that’s his right I thought, go for it. Not being satisfied at it all however he decided to go to the head office personally to whine more. And again, all the more power to him I thought, of course it’s something only an absolute bastard would do who has proven himself incapable of dealing with people on all levels and is therefore forced to get in their face, but still…go. A service employee showed up to help him whom he quickly continues to insult, threaten and annoy not helping his case in the slightest as you might imagine. Unfortunately he caught the name of this employee and holding true like a rat to a turd he clung to it remembering it for what I guess will be years to come.

Now this is where he truly turns vile. He proceeded to mail the company –and- employee threatening both by telling them he was going to launch a website about them. The company didn’t respond but the employee told him in no uncertain terms he would prefer it if his name was not published by T2. Understandable right? No one wants to be talked about on the internet by someone who would lose a quick wit contest to a potted plant. Now this employee was far more polite then I ever could be in such a situation but T2 was not impressed. He slandered the employee referring to him as an antisocial, someone not worth the violence you want to inflict on him, unhelpful and in short a bastard.

I was shocked at reading this, surely the halfwit must realise he is squandering the sympathy many held for him by targeting a simple worker who like the rest of us simply did his job and no more, rag on the fat cats, don’t bitch about the workers, that’s low, especially if you go and blame them for all your mistakes. T2 could have said no to the deal, fixed it himself, display social skills to the service representatives… a number of things. But failing to jump each hurdle he failed to even crawl even but dug like the dog he is to reach a new low and slandering others for his own shortcomings.

I am not saying they treated him right, or that he was at fault in all things, but targeting a helpless victim and crucifying him online is a sad, sad thing to do, especially for someone who is too big a coward to post his own name and hides behind an alias, basking in the posts of other small minded people like him.

But enough about him.

Can’t believe I wasted an entire perfectly good post on a scumbag like that, ah well, worse things have happened I am sure.

Cheers all…

Monday, July 10, 2006

A general introduction to me

Some general info on me: I am 22 at the moment having been born on the 13th of January 1984. I have spend over a year abroad in various countries around the world. I have some education though perhaps not as much as my parents would like. I am Dutch having been born in a small town you have never heard of. At the moment I live somewhere with a cute guy who isn't mine near Amsterdam.

Most people consider me to be a very polite person right up unto the point where I start liking them. Because although you can be rude to your friends all you want you have to be polite to your enemies, right? I am sarcastic, cynical and do tend to favour dark humour, but most seem to appreciate it.

My biggest hobby is fantasy, in all ways, shapes and sizes... I read a lot of Feist, Pratchett and McCaffrey. I play Dungeons and Dragons, online MUD's and CD-ROM dungeon games ala Baldurs Gate. Even in movies I tend to favour fantasy although I have quite a diversified taste including manga's, comedy and romantic movies beside the fantasy.

My pet peeve would have to be dumb people or uninterested people. The kind that "doesn't want you to explain something because they don't care about that crap." Hence they'll never learn anything and continue to annoy with me with their misplaced sence of belonging.

I love.... hmmm hard one. I think the thing I love most is the pleasure little things can give me. How I can step outside and feel the rain on my face. How a song can hit a certain note and make my spine tingle. How someone can hug me and make me feel the warmth of their skin. A million things that I love, lights in the water, winter, rain the beach and a million more and all can out of nowhere make me sit and admire life... and that I love.